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Acrylic Painting Canvas

Acrylic Painting Canvas
How cool is this acrylic painting using acrylic plastic on canvas? @katiekoollady is as creative as they come and used some of our plastic in her creation process. We asked if she could share a little about how she made this  and her insight was too good not to share:

"As far as my process; When painting I use acrylic paint, various plastics, glass, dried flowers, fabric & other mixed media materials. My objective is to create interesting textures, colors and depth. I also like to play with layering translucent colors and light. I use various acrylic mediums, resins and glue's to attach the mixed media materials. It depends on the effect I am aiming for; Some dry clear or yellow, some dry matte or shiny etc. I find it's best to experiment as much as possible to figure out what works best. Happy accidents can be the best teacher."